Scott Groves LPC

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The Values Factor

“The Secret to Creating an Inspired and Fulfilling Life”

I discovered Dr. Demartini several months ago. I started reading “The Values Factor” and immediately took the Values Determination Process online. At first, I struggled with the results because like he says, we all have these “social idealisms” that we believe are supposed to be at the top of our values list (family, integrity, honesty, etc.). Because of that confusion, I actually took the test twice in the same day to make sure I was doing it correctly. I then took it again about a month later. My results were the same.

My personal top values are Learning, my business (contribution to clients, business growth, etc.), and travel. A lot of people would look at this and struggle with the idea that family, for instance, is not at the top of that list. The reality is that all three of these values contribute significantly to my family. As I meet my top two at a high level, I am then able to travel with my family (something I absolutely love to do).

These values fell perfectly in line with my top psychological needs which are growth and contribution. I have known my psychological needs for a couple of years but nailing down my values seemed to give me the complete picture of where my life should actually be focused. Dr. Demartini recommends that you take the test every quarter to make sure you are living in alignment with you values. Over time your values can and very well may change. A person in their 20’s may not have the same set of values in their 40’s or beyond. As our roles in life change, we mature, achieve different things, have families, significant events occur, etc., our values can certainly change. The key is to make those values the top priority of focus.

I have attached a link to Dr. Demartini’s Values Determination Process for you to take the test, here.

Please message me if you would like to continue the conversation or book a coaching session to get started on your journey today!