

I make every effort to create an environment where you can feel safe to leave behind the struggle, frustration, hurt, and confusion that brings you to therapy in the first place. Unfortunately, many people have experienced an environment that was not safe from abuse, not safe from fear, nor in a loving home that provided a place to develop a healthy view of self and of life.

I strive to provide an atmosphere of acceptance so that you can discover your purpose, direction, and overcome the obstacles, addictions, depression, and anxieties that prevented that discovery in the beginning. I help men and women who are struggling to define their purpose and develop their identity for themselves.

Together, we’ll explore how to define what "purpose" means to you. I am not here to push an agenda. I am not here to judge or harshly criticize. You likely have mastered self-criticism already. It is my purpose to provide a safe place and the tools needed to discover the life you know is possible. A life free from the trauma, disappointment, or fear of the past that still feels like it controls the present.

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